We celebrated Thanksgiving at my Dad's house this year. I love watching Grace and Holtz play with their cousins. I don't have a good picture of Sammy (now 10 years old!) but here are Lillian, Parker, Holtz and Grace. We are so lucky because they are so close in age. The last time the kids got together was last July and I'll tell you, they played as if no time had passed by.
Here is Holtz with his best buddy Lauren (Lolo). Let's see, Holtz...hmmm. These days Holtz is a wonderful, mostly well behaved, little boy. (Hope I didn't just jinx myself- chuckle). It seems right after his last molar popped through (beginning of January), the high maintenance crankiness was a thing of the past. He is funny! He went through a phase where he would raise his shirt, tickle his stomach and laugh...and laugh. He loves footballs, basketballs, baseballs, soccer balls...you get the point. Very much all boy. He also loves pointing to airplanes and saying helicopter. He thinks it is the most funny thing! Earlier last week, I asked Holtz if he wanted to give Ralph a treat and he said, "I'd love to." Ha ha- such a ham!
This picture is a bit out of order. This was taken after we got back from Florida when we opened the gifts under our tree (and from Santa). Holtz's big present from Santa this year was a tricycle. Uncle Andy gave Grace a tricycle several years ago but it is still a bit large for Holtz so Santa thought he needed a smaller one. Grace's big gift from Santa this year was a piece of luggage. It's on wheels and is a carry-on size. She is ready to travel!
Grace's letter to Santa. She wrote this all by herself. The only thing that wasn't entirely hers was spelling the word Christmas because it was written on her placemat. Wish I would've known that she only wanted a bandaid for Christmas- so funny. Grace is taking weekly swim lessons now and absolutely loves them. We have the BEST teacher- her name is Chelsea and she is a sophomore at Transylvania University. Grace also got some new tennis shoes (geesh, probably back in December) that have laces! Yes, she can tie laces! She's been able to tie laces for awhile but now she has her first pair of laces shoes (where she has to tie them herself). She is learning so much spanish in school- really amazing. She is doing double digit addition and subtraction and really loves her music class. She's still working on making friends and building confidence but she is getting better every day.
Whoops- another picture from present opening at our house- she got a new camera. Digital!
Grace performed as a honey fairy in her first Nutcracker performance this past Christmas (with Bluegrass Youth Ballet). She was added to a second cast so performed in four performances! She was one busy girl!
Oh snap! Holtz got his first haircut (at Cookie Cutters- same as Grace) on Dec. 15th. As you can tell from this picture, he was not loving it! Look at that face! How could he not be happy sitting in a fire engine car? On to happier things, he is following in his sister's footsteps. He is a SMART COOKIE- how about that for a segway? Cookie Cutters...Smart Cookie...who says there is no flow in my posts? He knows all of his letters (upper case)- sings his ABC's, knows all but 3 lower case letters, knows and can count to 10, knows all of his colors, shapes and knows all but about 3 or 4 letter sounds. He speaks like he's 4...incredible vocabulary! I wish I would've stayed on top of this blog because he used to say some really cute words. Loblob for blueberry, Blobs for grapes, Lello for yellow, etc. He's very independent and knows exactly what he wants. Luckily this has gotten better but he used to repeat everything over and over and over. Talk about exhausting! He is drinking out of a cup, hears everything (trains, birds chirping, etc...everything outside)...his list of changes is truly never ending.
We headed to visit Poppy and Mimi this Christmas break in Florida. It was 'different' but was a blast. I loved the warm perfect weather but it was hard to get in the Christmas spirit! Yes, life is hard spending December at the beach! Ha ha ha. We swam in the pool, played on the beach, went to the Children's Museum, Disney World, went for bike and golf cart rides, etc. It was a fun trip and it certainly ended too quickly!
Outside the Children's Museum.
Look at that sand castle!
Grace's best friend is still Holtz (and vice versa). They get along so well.
Whoops, somebody took a tumble on the beach- Such a big boy. At his 2 year appt. he was 36" tall (83rd percentile) and weighed 27 lbs. 3.2 oz. (38th percentile)...still very much long and lean!
Oh my, Christmas Eve... Did Santa get Grace's letter? Will he come to Florida? Will he fill those big beautiful stockings?
Here is our 'Elf on the Shelf' named Maxwell (Max for short). Did he tell Santa we were here??
Beautiful tree- Max is hanging out in there someplace (grin).
Yes! Santa did come to Florida!
The kids both got a set of finger symbols...and a lot more!
There is a children's book called 'Phoebe's Sweater' by Joanna Johnson. Well, Mimi knit a Phoebe doll and made Grace and Phoebe matching sweaters! Aren't they beautiful?
Holtz and Poppy- both very brave in the pool :)
Grace swimming back and forth with her face in the water :) Here are several fun things that Grace said. "Some day I'm going to buy a house that's small so I can hang lights on the roof. And I probably will live in Lexington. And maybe you can come visit me at Christmastime!" The first time she had minty gum she said in a LOUD voice, "Whoa! For heaven's sakes that's minty!" Last but not least, "I can't wait to be as old as you." I say, "What do you think you will do when you are as old as me?" She says, "I'll help you with whatever you need help with." I'm going to have to bookmark this post to pull out in a couple of years!
Cute Cute Cute!
There's Uncle Andy!
Christmas Dinner. Andy and Alisa were able to make it also. We had these pull toys (poppers), I think from England, that were at each plate. After dinner, we pulled on the ends and each had a crown and a little goodie inside. This was FUN!
Go Dog Go!
And, this picture is in order. This is what we came home to after our trip. Presents- so many presents! I know I'm probably forgetting so many things. I'll try to make some notes over the next couple of weeks and fill things in. To come, Notre Dame Bowl Game, Mikey's new house, Holtz and Evan's birthdays, etc.
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