Evan and I attended our friends wedding on Sept. 13th. We are so happy for Jeremy and Shannon! The wedding and reception (at the Embassy Theatre in Ft. Wayne, IN) was gorgeous and it was so much fun to catch up with all of our long-time friends. Mimi and Poppy watched Grace for the night so we had a night to ourselves. It was a late night for us- reminds us that we are no longer in our college years. (grin)
Evan and I also drove to Connecticut the weekend of September 28th (aka my b-day-hooray) for another wedding. We were expecting a long and tiring drive and were pleasantly surprised when it went really quickly. We both felt refreshed when we got home- can't beat that. The trees were already changing up there so our drive was almost like driving through a painting...so beautiful. Grammie came to Lexington and watched Grace for us that entire weekend. We are so lucky!
Our friends Kristin and Mat came to visit also last month with their new bundle of joy Caleb. Gosh is he cute! And such a good baby. I think being around a baby is giving me baby fever...ha ha. Grace loved sharing her toys with him and watching him jump in his exersaucer...and loved playing with his toys too. She was really gentle and caring with him- I find it amazing how she interacts with other kids, especially young ones.
We've been staying really busy recently. We've been going to story time at the library every Wednesday morning and have also been going to the park frequently. We've been doing a ton of arts and crafts mostly for Evan's Grandmother and Grandad who are in the hospital. They are going to have quite a collection before too long. We just hope that Grace's art brightens their days. We've been coloring, cutting, gluing, painting, etc.
Oh- I almost forgot! Opening day at Keeneland was last weekend. Grace loves to see the horses and mommy and daddy love to try our luck with betting on them. I was lucky last Saturday- won $55 on a $2 bet. Wish I were a more risky gambler b/c I could've made a fortune! I was really happy with my winnings and went out and bought Grace a fish tank for her room. She feeds them every morning and night and has been a really good mommy to her 5 fish babies.
I think that's all for now! We are looking forward to my little brother Mikey's visit this weekend. Back to Keeneland we go...
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